So on the way to visit my cousin at work on the weekend, I happened to drive past a yoga studio.
I have been looking for a nice place to do yoga at since forever. I actually really started looking while I was pregnant. I was set on prenatal yoga, something I was sure I would enjoy doing instead of running while I was expecting.
I Googled, I yellow-paged.... to no avail..... Of course there are yoga studios around town, but none near me. Most are in posh Winter Park, and there was no way I was driving there for yoga. Perhaps I live too close to Kissimmee? Yoga is not high on the list for people who live in Osceola county? Yoga is only for Canadians and hippies and there is not enough of either in this part of the USA?? Who knows.... I thought for sure there would be a nice little studio in Hunter's Creek, but no, there is not.
So no prenatal yoga happened, and I have been on the lookout since.
I was SO happy to drive by this place. I totally did a comical screech of the brakes, reversed, parked and hustled V in to check it out. We got the full tour. It was awesome.
So I decided I would actually check it out. I went this evening. Actually I just got back about an hour ago, and am tiiiiiiiirrrrrrrreeeeeedddd. But satisfied.
It's hot yoga, which I had never done before. I have taken plain old yoga before, but holy man was this awesome.
And hot.
Super hot. And Awesome. With a capital 'A'.
My muscles shook, sweat actually dripped off of me and puddled on my towel. I was soaked by the end of the class.... and so satisfied.
Satisfied like I ate a big bowl of icecream. I swear I could taste icecream in my mouth as I walked out of the studio.
And pleasantly surprised to find out that the class wasn't full of farting as well!
My wonderful cousin, when I called her this morning to invite her along with me, was interested in coming at first. Until she found out that it was hot yoga, and then she made some sort of comment like "I heard everyone farts during bikram yoga. No thanks. Have fun in your gassy class!" Awesome.
I heard no farting. It did get smelly though, but just the sweat I think?! Maybe everyone was 'releasing' some tension.
I am going again. I love it. Sweat is good. Heat is good. Sweat and heat while being all bendy, awesome.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Posted by
6:12 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009
My morning started off wonderfully....
Again the blessed event happened. V slept in until 7:30, and there was much praising of holy things in our household. 2 days in a row is really unbelievable, and I finally feel rested after the longest week ever (M has a cold, and I am sure everyone is familiar with the joys of taking care of a sick man)
(V is taking a nap {or pretending to, in any case} and I am watching Anne of Green Gables quietly in the living-room while M is out running relaxing...)
I made wheat-free pancakes for Mr V, as he is allergic to wheat, and he loved them. I was so buoyed up by this success, that I even dared contemplate trying to feed him some avocado again at lunch.
My Mum rang, I picked V up out of his Jumparoo and off we went to the bedroom where our web-cam is set up for a Skype with 'Nanna'. As I was getting situated (while chatting with Mum), I noticed an unpleasant smell emanating from little man's pants. I peeked down the back of his pants, using my thumb to hold the diaper away from his body.
Aha!! I had found the location the the odor! Oh! And my thumb was now covered in poo! Awesome!
I quickly disconnected our Skype call (with my poo-free hand of course), and ran into the living-room to find M. I definitely needed assistance on this one.
It was a two person diaper clean-up, and then the biohazard was immediately taken out to the dumpster.
So back again to the bedroom to call Mum for a chat and of course to show off V, who was particularly flirty with her today. Very cute!
About 15 minutes into our conversation, V threw-up all over himself and me. The majority of it hit the crotch of my pj's and soaked through and was pretty much instantaneously ice cold. Nice.
I waddled out of the room (crotch growing colder by the minute) with puke covered child to fetch clean clothes for him and something to tidy this whole mess up with.
M was totally oblivious in the other room (I think he was totally zoned out on Plant Earth)
Mum is killing herself laughing on the computer.
My crotch is cold.
Mum: "Are you sure you still want to have another one?"
Me: "It's not something I am currently contemplating, given the events of the last 20 minutes"
On the plus side, I fed V avocados for lunch and not only did he like them this time, but he also didn't throw up on me! The day had taken a turn for the better.... finally...
Posted by
12:30 PM
Labels: avocados, biohazard, poo, skype, threw up on
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Manners, bitch! (or how I have no patience)
"Excuse me"
"Excuse me!!!"
"Hello! Excuse me!!"
"Hello! Hello!!!"
"Excuse me! Hello!! HELLO!!!"
"Hello!! Excuse me! HELLO!!"
Let me fill in the details a little........ V and I were out for our morning walk. Today we went to the park, which is about a mile or so away, and the route we took was along a golf course, so it was particularly pretty. Hibiscus bushes (trees?) and lovely little ponds filled with ducks. This morning it was gorgeous, with a slight cool breeze.
We had already been to the park, played on the swings, crawled around in the grass, went looking for turtles in the pond and were on our way back. I was pushing him in his stroller on the sidewalk. We had had the best time ever (probably because he slept in to 7:30 this morning, one of those blessed events that makes you praise higher beings)
I was not walking in the middle of the sidewalk. I know my walking etiquette from years on the Galloping Goose trail.
I stay on the side to allow for others to pass me, such a nice and polite Canadian I am!
This shouting I didn't even know was directed at me. I ignore anything that anyone shouts at me from any vehicle "Hola chica!!!" "Where you goin' pretty lady?!" etc etc. She might have been shouting for about 2 minutes straight. She just said the same to things over and over and over again. When I finally turned around she said them again.
"Excuse me! Hello!!!! COMING THROUGH!!!!!!"
Some fat white woman on an old fashioned bicycle was passing me.
My crappy reply "Ya, I heard you."
And then after she had passed me, "BITCH. Learn some manners."
I was super annoyed for about 5 more minutes. Clearly my walking etiquette was not at fault, her cycling skills left a lot to be desired. She had a whole half a sidewalk! What more did she want?! I am of the opinion that a baby plus stroller takes precedence over everything, so you better move out of my way. I am pushing our future President-slash-SuperBowl winner, don't put our country's future in jeopardy.
I have no patience for people like this. AND I certainly am not going to be nice to someone who has been screaming (slight exaggeration perhaps) at me for hours (again, slight exaggeration).
Bad Movie of the Post
XXX-State of the Union
I find I watch a lot of FX-HD and they sure do have a quality selection of crappy movies. Mostly bad action (my weakness), and this is certainly one of the worst. Ice Cube is not a good actor, this is not a good plot and Samuel L. Jackson is awesome (I did see 'Snakes on a Plane' in the theatre and laughed my face off).
If I am home alone and I have a choice between life enriching tv programing and super crappy action movie, I will pick the action movie every time. To be honest, I am not even paying that much attention..... I just look up every now and then and something is exploding, someone is making a witty/wry comment, or Samuel L is making that serious humorless face that he is so good at.
Sad. I need to expand my movie watching, but I know I will just expand it to more really bad action movies.... creature of habit....
Posted by
1:46 PM
Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday night random.
I secretly am going to rent 'Twilight' tomorrow.
I like shoes from Payless.
BLT sandwiches are my secret favorite, even though I attempt to order healthy things.... (Shannon, it's like you and your club sandwiches)
All of the girls on this 'cycle' of ANTM should not be models.
Talking to Bean is good. I am so glad to have family closer and am looking forward to Easter.
I will always call Bean 'bean', even if she hates it but I promise not to do it in public.
Why does 'What your Momma gave you' always refer to your ass?
feel free to fil lin the blanks.....
Posted by
6:00 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Poised on the edge of Jello about to become a huge part of my life, I thought I would introduce V to it
I decided I would make it for him the other night. Although 'make' is a funny word when it comes to Jello. More like 'stir' really. There is no 'make'. I poured it into a mold and 'made'
cute little star shapes out of it... (clearly it's excessive quotes night in my house)
He could have cared less about the star shapes in his hurry to get it into his mouth. Or on his face. Or all over everything.
I thought it was pretty clever, on the other hand..... And pretty cute to see his little face smeared with jello and his expression as he tried to chew it.
As I sampled my 'clever' work this evening, I had total flashbacks to riding the ferries between Vancouver Island and the mainland. Or the Gulf Islands...
Mmmmmmm Ferry jello parfait.... Really, who doesn't like a cup of Jello with a dollop of cool-whip on top. Or some mushy scrambled eggs. Which automatically makes me think of Shoot To Kill
Especially that part where they run through the ferry at the end. My sister and I always used to say they were making a break for the breakfast buffet.... Man, such an awful movie...
Sometimes I feel like I should just devote this blog to all of the awful movies that I have watched (of which there have been many). At least I would never run out of topics!
Posted by
5:50 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
M and I moved from MetroWest to Hunter's Creek about a year and a half ago. When we moved into MetroWest we thought it was paradise.... 'gated' community , pool, gym etc etc it was all good.
After the crime rate skyrocketed.... we moved.
A few months later we saw one of our neighbour's on the news. We used to call him 'Jimmy Dime-bag' because, well, you know. Well, I guess you don't.... he totally used to smoke it up under the stairwell and the smell would waft up to the 3rd floor where our apartment was and linger by the front door (as it had nowhere else to go).
He was the most redneck of all rednecks.... gold teeth, white and he wore an orange prison jumpsuit most of the times we saw him. I think he was on the news because he was arrested and proclaimed that the arresting officer was racist because he was white (Jimmy, I mean.) Interesting.
Anyways, moving over here we had different neighbours...
Our first neighbour when we moved into this new apartment complex was a nice young mother and her little boy. They were the best neighbours ever. They moved out when I was about 5 months pregnant.
The neighbours that followed were a little less fun, a quieter, older couple who we didn't see much of. Unfortunately they tended to park illegally, which was OK in the beginning.... but after the 30th time it got annoying (they blocked our front entrance with their car, M complained to management and they moved shortly afterwards).
A young family moved in about 2 months ago, with 2 young kids. These kids (maybe 8 and 10) antagonize our dog a lot. Although it doesn't take that much to set him off. Simply walking passed our front window will do it. Or talking loudly. Or coughing audibly. Or any sudden movement at all will make him bark non-stop until you leave the immediate premise. It makes it really hard to open the windows or even put the blinds up.
So last weekend, as I was unlocking my front door (with V on my hip and a duffel bag over my shoulder.... I was totally overburdened) Chewie lunged out of our front door and straight across the way to the neighbours who were also just getting home. He chased their son around their patio, until the little boy started screaming and crying at the top of his lungs. As it turns out, he is terrified of dogs.
Now our dog is only about 5 pounds, but regardless. Poor little man. His mum carried him into the house shrieking and wailing while I shouted at Chewie, who coward at my feet and was pathetic and submissive until he reached the interior of our house (whereupon he totally spazzed out and barked his face off.... such a turncoat).
I apologized profusely, and my neighbour admitted that her son was terrified of all dogs. I tried to explain that Chewie hates everyone (unless you are meeting him on his turf, ie our apartment, and then its all ok). She wasn't upset at all, but I felt awful... and we haven't seen hide nor hair of those neighbours since.
(Melvin 2, Neighbours 0)
Probably means they are going to move soon too. Probably we should buy a house, which would make it easy to unleash the beast.
Posted by
6:18 PM
Labels: art, chihuahua, neighbours
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Art fest
V slept in today until an almost unheard of time of 7:30. Delicious.
I can handle 7:30, no probs man.... that made this the best Sunday ever.
M was up early, and sort of well rested and we ended up at the Winter Park Art Festival.
I love Winter Park. It's this posh part of Central Florida, north of Orlando that has cobble stone streets, boutiques, endless coffee shops and this air of luxury about it. It just feels rich. It's practically tangible. It even has it's own train station (you can go from NYC to Winter Park, FL if you'll cost ya though...)
I hadn't been before and so was kind of expecting a Sidney Sidewalk Sale plus evening market times Downtown Victoria Sunday market kind of feel.
Not really. Not really at all.
Super tanned wealthy-looking people everywhere. You know those people that look like they just stepped of a yacht? The women so carefully dressed in a casual 'I-just-threw-this-together-at-the-last-moment-seriously' kind of way. The men eying (is that really spelled right? looks so wrong) anything in a skirt/shorts/pants or that moves. Lots of navy blue, crisp white and careful gold accessories.
And the art! Geez! I mean, it was art!
It wasn't anything like this gorgeous piece of work (spotted a few weeks ago in Mt Dora).....
And it was all shockingly expensive. I had said to M as we were walking in "Let's buy something tacky!" and he had cautioned me that it could be kind of pricey but I was confident that we would find something awful. Perhaps painted in oils. And maybe even of a manatee. Awesome.
How disappointed I was to not see anything like that at all, but to see some rather mediocre photos going for "2 for $175!", like it was a bargain or something! No oil paintings of manatees anywhere. How disappointing is that!
Since M is currently standing over me with a full plate of food staring at me with no expression on his face (and I am in the bedroom typing with the lights off) this is a clear indication that I should go and have dinner with him before he loses it even further....
I thought I would leave you with what I was imagining we would find and hang in our livingroom.... Although I would really like to find this. So awesome.
Posted by
4:11 PM
Labels: art, manatee, Winter Park
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Every Saturday morning, V and I take a nice long walk while we let M sleep in as he always works super late on Friday nights.
This Saturday morning was extremely lovely, the weather was perfect for a stroll and it is a perfect time for contemplation.
What started me thinking was the person that was approaching me. For some reason I always feel uncomfortable when the sidewalks are empty except for that one person heading towards you.
So I started feeling uncomfortable, more uncomfortable as he got closer and closer and then he said............. "Morning!" in a bright and cheery voice.
I responded in a more subdued manner with "Morning", My eyes glanced up at his face, made quick contact and slid away...
What is wrong with me?
I can't even say 'Good Morning' to a pleasant person out on a stroll just like me? Am I so paranoid?
So I had to ponder this for the rest of the walk.
I have this feeling it comes across as snobby. I mean, I know it did in high school (or at least I remember one person telling me that in grade 12, much to my dismay as I was anything and am anything but).
I just can be slightly socially awkward. Oh and say inappropriate things.... sometimes it seems like I have no control over my mouth, things come out (and I think....'oh, I shouldn't have said that'... but it's already out there....). So maybe instead of saying 'slightly' socially awkward, I should just say socially awkward. All the way baby....
It takes me quite a while to relax and feel comfortable with you. You being you in the actual real world, in-person that is. I think I come across a little different via email. I know I can be way more verbose and quick-witted. And eloquent. It is easy when you can erase or delete that last sentence and write it again before you send it.
I have no control over it really, and envy people that are easily chatty. And have tons of friends. I have tried to change it, but to no avail. I think it's here to stay, as much as I try to change it. And happily M gets it, and always has....
Posted by
4:48 PM
Friday, March 20, 2009
It's been a long week and as I finally settle into Friday night, exhaustion hits me....
Clearly I need some more sleep, something which struck me this early morning when I woke up on the couch. At about 3:45 am
I was seriously confused. Couch? What? And covered in blankets. It was exactly how I used to sleep when V was itty-bitty and I would let him snooze in his bouncy seat while I dozed on the couch.
V, however, was still sleeping in his crib and M was still sleeping in our bed. So why was I on the couch?
Oh, and let me add some details about my wardrobe.
I had gone to bed in a tank-top and bottoms, and woke up in a tank-tap. Imagine my bewilderment! Partially undressed, alone, on the couch at 3:45 am when I remember(clearly) going to bed in my bed. M hadn't stirred all night and didn't even notice when I crawled back into bed. With some new bottoms on..
I found my bottoms later that morning on top of my dresser. I think I was so tired I was sleepwalking. It's really the only thing I can come up with....ha! I can hardly believe it!
While I was thinking about sleepwalking, I remembered doing it when I was little and we lived in Coombs. I woke up naked in the laundry closet, I think I was about 5 or 6. Maybe I was really tired then too?
I really hope it doesn't happen again tonight. And if it does I hope I manage to keep my panties on and stay in the house and not wander around the neighbour's yard.
Posted by
5:29 PM
Labels: sleepwalking, tired
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
This really will be a short post, unlike my last so-called short post that was hugely long. I do excel at rambling though.....
Just some random thoughts...
Superman Returns is not a good movie. In fact it might be awful (I am watching the tail end of it right now...not good)
M makes homemade Tzatziki and it is awesome.
I held a coworker's little teeny baby today and now have babies on the mind even though V isn't even a year old. Man!
I sometimes call V 'Chewie', and the dog (who is actually Chewie) V, and now completely understand why my Mum used to call my sister and I by each other's names.
I ran 4 miles yesterday, my personal best since giving birth, and am mentally planning my 'comeback' 5 k.
The idea of a 'RoastBurger' from Arby's makes me want to heave....
We saw a sign for a Clown Museum on a recent drive and, even though I hate clowns (especially Mimes) I still kinda want to go.
I miss my sister an awful lot, and wish she lived in the States instead of Canada.... next-door to me if possible...
My Grandma's health is really not the greatest at the moment and I pretty much think my Dad is going to call at any moment and give me 'The bad news'.....sigh....
We are heading to Canada in about 10 weeks, and I still haven't sorted out V's passport. Or mine. Or M's.
This week I am really really tired.
Excessive use of CGI annoys me to no end.
I can't stand it when live animals in films have their mouths altered to look like they are speaking.... stupid, I know, but it makes me so angry!
I am totally addicted to Facebook, which is very sad.
I need to go to bed now. I have had enough of Superman Returns and my dog is snoozing on my feet, a clear sign I should be cuddling with him (oh, and M of course) in bed. Our new King-size bed I might add..... that I am going to crawl to as I am so very very very tired
Posted by
6:16 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
Just a quick post tonight. I am still tired from the weekend, and the most ridiculous of all days (that would be today).
It started out with Ginette (who takes care of V) telling me she was sure that 'The Dr' would be putting V on a diet as he's too big. He is only 9 months old, and I am sure that it is impossible for any child to be considered obese at this age. They are still babies!! V happens to be in the 95th percentile..... he's a big boy! So is his Daddy! It called Genetics! Rawr!
This was followed by her entreating me to ask 'The Dr' to switch him to 1% Milk.
It is just not dietarily (I am pretty sure this is not an official word.... Tal, is it??) appropriate.
Well, if you want to bring out the overprotective mother dinosaur in me, please make more statements like this. And she responded with "Yes, I will" and proceeded to caution me against giving him yogurt without checking with "The Dr" first.
I calmly told her that I have been giving it to him for about a month, he loves it (YoBaby) and it's fine.
She responded with some slightly unintelligible story about one of the little girls that she looks after eating yogurt and having some problems *cue rapid gesturing around the genitals* 'DOWN THERE'.
Girls= well, girls....... it's a whole different thing, which we, as adults (and parents) are aware of. Genitally speaking, that is...
This most ridiculous of conversations (that I could not share with M, as it annoys him so much to hear that Ginette says these things that he practically explodes.....) was followed by something even more ridiculous...
I called to confirm V's doctor appointment this morning. Now, generally they call me to remind me of the appointment, but this time they didn't. And that was why I called.
Apparently, there was no appointment scheduled, nothing on the books at all and it was all getting rather confused when someone shouted out in the background "I canceled it!!!!!".
I was all like 'Say whaaaa....??????' etc etc...
Apparently they were under the impression that we had moved to California.
That's right.
We had moved to California. And since I drive past that office every morning, I can tell you it's not true. I still live in Orlando. Really.
This was followed by apologies, a slightly later appointment time, our arrival at said appt, waiting waiting and waiting...... then I discovered that all of this waiting was because one of 'The Dr's' has diverticulitus and is recovering from surgery in the hospital. And the poor Dr that was filling in (our beloved Dr E, who I might add has 8 month old twins at home, is still breastfeeding and hadn't pumped all day...... as she told me when we left at 5:45, was running the show...)
V was exhausted from all of the screaming and it was dinner, bath and bed in quick sucession....
And the same for Mummy! Good night!
Posted by
6:06 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The tail end of a long weekend.... a long sleep deprived weekend.
Sleep........ delicious sleep..... I can only wish....
M and I went to Melbourne Beach , with V of course!
It was lovely... It's been at least a year since I have seen the ocean, which is just unbelievable. It was one of the things that I missed moving from the We(s)t Coast to Central Florida. I have never lived 'Central' before, and am unused to actually having to drive to get to the Ocean.
That's right, I capitalized it.
Sometimes it's just so mighty (like it was in my previous{ times 2} sentence) that it deserves it.
How lovely to see the ocean. I had forgotten what that sweet ocean air smells like, so salty and delicious. And the sand was so fine and soft under my bare feet. The wind whipped my hair around into a big ol'mess. I totally needed a scarf for my hair AND we needed to be in a convertible. AND I probably needed to be wearing some red hot lipstick (see previous post).
My feet felt the surf slide over them, the water foamed around my toes and M danced back at cold of that water (darn East coast)... I took a deep breath the first time it washed over though. But it felt so good...
We dipped V's little feet into that cool water and he shrieked! And clung to his Daddy so hard that someone would have needed a crowbar to pry him off.
It was almost like a baptism, in a West Coastish, East Coastish salt water mixture, soul of the Canadian sort of way. In a way, a kind of mixture of New York and Victoria mingling in the east coast water. In my mind that is....
I cannot wait to introduce him to those West Coast waterways. Have that cold and clear water of the North rush over those chubby and gorgeous little feet. Have them dip in and out of clear water on the Island, and get dirty on those sandy beaches on the West Coast.
Posted by
5:24 PM
Bits (seriously)
V is currently a bath time fanatic.... And I just remembered what happened while I was giving him his bath yesterday.
He was splashing happily away, when he happened to glance down and spot something he hadn't really noticed before.
His bits. And I am pretty sure I don't need to elaborate on what that means. You are all smart, right?
He was fascinated. There was a lot of poking and prodding and tugging on little bits. I tried to distract him, but really it was like he had just discovered the Holy Grail, or like that scene from The Goonies where they actually find the pirate treasure.
It's so neat when they make these little discoveries. Like "Wow, this hand will do what I tell it to!" or "I can put this foot in my mouth!". In this case, I think it was something like "Hey! These bits are all stretchy! Look at how stretchy they are! Awesome!". The look on his face was wonderful, so innocent....
Posted by
4:15 AM
Labels: bits, Holy Grail
I am tired.
So tired.
Unbelievably tired, in fact.....
V got up at 5:30 again (which he did on saturday morning as well). That coupled with the fact that he pretty much didn't take a a nap yesterday at all.... sigh....
He is such a funny sleeper. He always fusses before he goes to sleep. He fights it hard. There is no soothing rocking or stroking of the back..... all that does is make him more awake. He will literally go all day until he drops of exhaustion.
Yesterday on the way back from running an errand, he started to doze off in the car. I was literally 1 minutes from my apartment and excitedly thought about the short nap I would take too once I put him down in his crib. But that one minute power-nap apparently cleared him of any and all exhaustion as once in his crib, there was no sleeping going on at all. Lots of happy babbling, and when I peeked in on him he was standing in his crib.
Yes, that's right..... STANDING...
He just learned how to this week, perfected it yesterday and is now doing it non-stop. His little plump tush sticks out so far when he does it. Adorable!
So he is extra busy, and I am extra tired. And find myself watching Conspiracy Theory on TNT while V thumps away on his musical table, watching the dog roll around on that spot on the floor where V drooled.
Dogs are disgusting. And again, this movie is awful. I think 12 years ago when it came out, I really liked it.... but post-Mel Gibson drunken rage, every movie that he is in where he acts a little weird, I can't help but think that is his actual personality. And then I wonder why he's all critically acclaimed for his 2 most recent directing efforts. I mean, Apocalypto was good (and I haven't bothered with the other one) but seriously, the man is a total nutjob.
I have developed a new reflex based on 9 months of chronic spitting up. V was the spit up champ....A wet burp followed by a volcanic-like eruption. Lovely.
So recently I have caught myself cupping my hands under his mouth when I hear one of those wonderful noises. I think this is hilarious (or my early morning brain does anyways). I am actually trying to catch vomit. In my hand. An experience that I had earlier this morning. I wasn't even grossed out, not even a bit, I clearly have become immune to these sorts of things.
10 years ago, when I was clubbing it up, who would have thought that I would be up voluntarily at 5:30 am (instead of just heading to bed), catching someones vomit in my hand. Life is an interesting journey for sure, and right now I am loving the road I am traveling....
Posted by
3:10 AM
Friday, March 13, 2009
Red Hot
I had this random image come to mind of when I went to a Christian private school when I was little.
Now where I seriously got that tube of hot pink Wet N'Wild lipstick, I will never know. I wasn't much for makeup when I was little. Fascinated by it, yes..... but any good at putting it on or really knowing what to do with it at all... not so much...
I remember putting on one coat and thinking it didn't look that great. But.... having never really put lipstick on before, I wasn't sure. So I put another layer on...... and then another..... and then one more. I swear there must have been about half a centimeter caked onto my lips. And then (and only then) I thought it looked pretty awesome. Please keep in mind the braces and glasses and way too short curly hair. Oh, and the awkwardness... keep that in mind too.
Flash forward about 10 years....
What a wonderful phase I went through in my last few years of high school. I made my own bell bottoms (with fabric scraps from my mum's sewing basket). I wore army boots that I hand painted with flowers.... I believe I had a watch safety-pinned to one of those boots too. I always carried around a plastic butter knife.
I took my black eyeliner and used it to carefully outline my lips and then fill them in. I think this was pre-black lipstick. Or you could buy it, but only at Halloween.... I don't quite remember why I decided to use eyeliner.
And then I had to take the bus. I was definitely wearing fishnets with my army boots. And some kind of gauzy, floaty dress with something I had hand tie-died over top.... Clearly my black lipstick was a little over-the-top for my small town's commuters...
And flash forward another 10 years...
How I long for a good lipstick..... I am stuck in a Burt's Bees rut (not that that is a bad place to be..... I just long for some bright red lips, or some warm raspberry lips). I am a little less brave than I used to be. Or more intimidated by the make-up counter than I should be. Or something like that...
Posted by
6:25 PM
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Burgers, of a sort....
M is watching some crazy FoodTv show right now.... full of sandwiches stuffed with french-fries and coleslaw. These sandwiches are seriously like 6 to 8 inches high. How you can even take a bite is beyond me. Also why you would want to is clearly over my head as well....
M just mentioned another sandwich he had heard of that is also over the top crazy.....I think is must be some sort of 'man' thing to find this sort of thing attractive. A Crispy Cream Burger?!? Why!
But regardless, it exists....
Watching these outrageous shows that showcase some unbelievable meals ( 5 pound meat pizza, 6 pattie-burgers, omelets the size of a pizza....) its really no wonder that a huge majority of the USA is obese. Sometimes when I see such obvious contributing factors to poor health, I just can't help but think out loud that it's no wonder.... even though I am sure a good portion of the population are not eating things like this.... Well, I hope anyways...
Must be my clean living Canadian genes coming into play, but I am so revolted by such displays of unhealthiness. Makes me squirm and shudder.... and long for huge glasses of clean water and large delicious salads and gorgeous pieces of fresh fruit....
Posted by
9:23 PM
Monday, March 9, 2009
M called me this evening, while I was out running a quick errand before dinner.
"How are you Honey?"
I feel a little suspicious sometimes when he calls me on the phone and is extra sweet. Probably as he hates talking on the phone, which can drive me nuts sometimes.
"Fine babes, what's up??" I said guardedly as I tried to figure out why he was calling me when I had just seem him about 1 minute previously...
"Well, V just stood up by himself..... I thought you'd like to know!" he said cheerfully.
Oh my god... he did?!?! The details that followed explained things a little more clearly. He had crawled his way over to the coffee table, gotten up onto his knees and then used the table to stand up.
I drove home so fast, cursing the tater-tots that I had run out to buy. Why did we need tater-tots again? Why was I rushing out to buy them at 6:45? What is wrong with us????
As I rushed up the walk-way to our apartment's front door I was imagining him toddling around the apartment and worried that I had missed everything. So I was pleased when I opened the door to find Daddy and V chillin' on the floor playing with the musical table.
I went and got V a little cheesey puff and we tried to tempt him into standing up to get it..... but it only made him frustrated and screamy, so we gave up quickly...
Anyways, this combined with the fact that I found 2 more teeth (which makes 8 altogether), and that he will be 9 months old in approximately 36 hours makes me think that he's in a hurry. A big hurry.
And I want him to slow down already and he's not even a year old. Where did my little man go? Although as my good friend has pointed out on numerous occasions "Jaym, he's never been a baby. He's always looked like a little man." So maybe he was just born in a hurry (although it certainly didn't feel like it).
I eagerly look forward to every little new thing that motherhood will bring, but sometimes I long for the time that has passed. I feel like this as each new month approaches, and I get ready to do the next page in his baby book.
Oh my little man....
Posted by
5:15 PM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Nag Champa Part 2 (aka how tired my brain is on friday nights)
Last night while I was googling images I came across this website, perhaps the fakest fake website I have ever seen. I was so impressed by it's fakery that I had to share it with others...
Really I was looking for an interesting picture of Nag Champa incense, but instead found a site proclaiming the Nag Champa was an animal hovering on the very edge of extinction.
It's an animal? Really? Or at least that's what my tired little brain thought last night while I was sitting on the couch.
Man, I can't wait to tell someone! Who would have thought all these years I was burning some kind of animal product?! Ewwww...
Wait...... wait a minute.... that's just a mouse...... and hold on another second there, I am pretty sure that second photo is from Africa, or possibly Australia but definitely not from India. And I am pretty the 3rd picture is just random liver...
So this morning when I took another look at it, I had a huge giggle... Clearly it was a long week. My poor brain.... also my kudos to the silly people that made that site (probably the guys that run the head shop that it links to). Most impressive...
I also ran across this interesting blog referencing Nag Champa too..... check it out!
Posted by
10:53 AM
Labels: fake
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Nag Champa
Whole Foods smells like Canada, or at least that's what I thought when I walked in there this afternoon.
I was working in Winter Park yesterday and today, and didn't know that there was one right around the corner from my office. I just about caused an accident when I saw it on my way to Publix. Who wants to go to Publix when they can go to Whole Foods instead?!
I grabbed a basket and strolled the aisles looking at expensive olives, organic grainy things, fancy mustard, really smelly cheeses and other lovely things.
But what reminded me of Canada was walking into the Health Food section. I took a deep breath and exhaled more relaxed than I had been in a while. Somehow that combination of vitamins, incense and essential oils took me back to Johnson Street in downtown Victoria. And then over to Chinatown, where I mentally strolled down FanTan Alley and stopped at that lovely bakery on the other side of the alley and bought a few red bean buns. And then went for some peanut satay at Ferris's Oyster Bar (since closed I believe). And then over to Market Square where I bought some mini donuts, looked at second-hand clothing and then went into BeadWorld.
I emerged 20 minutes later with a bunch of organic baby food, and a really expensive steel water bottle (which apparently I justified by the fact that I will never buy bottled water again now that I have this fancy water bottle.....right.....).
And a pear.
It was a really good pear.
Perhaps the best I have ever had.
M has already requested that I not be allowed to shop there by myself.....
And to be honest, I am not sure if I trust myself..... I mean really.... did I really need a $25 water bottle? No...... So did I deserved the small lecture I got yesterday about being a little more frugal? Probably....
My new water bottle is really sweet though.... AND I didn't buy any water today
Posted by
6:12 PM
Labels: pears, whole foods
Monday, March 2, 2009
On Sunday M took me on quite the drive.... Or I guess I should say he took a drive and I took a ride (this stuck in my head from listening to too much George Carlin).
Well, anyways.... we drove all through Polk County. The backwoods is an interesting place indeed. It was like a total time warp. Teeny little towns, all with signs directing you to their 'historic district'.
M and I can never resist these signs, and always find ourselves driving through some slightly dodgy area of town, and then bumping over a few cobblestones down a narrow street lined with some very new looking lamp-posts...
And finding places like this.....AND it was also a discotheque.... and it was on Main Street...
We brought our GPS, which really is M's parent which we 'borrowed'. As in we borrowed it about 2 years ago and haven't given it back since.... I dubbed it the "Ghetto Positioning Device" after an unfortunate experience with it a few years back. It took us through the ghetto outside of Atlanta where we saw, well, the ghetto, but 'for real'.
It may not look like much, but trust me, it was.... punctuate the experience with several grown men riding child's bikes which clearly they had stolen, the sound of me repeatedly checking to make sure the doors really were locked and an unfortunate red light which stopped us right next to this lovely grocery store...
And so 'Ghetto Positioning Device' it was....
It's ghetto-positioned us more then once, usually with ridiculous results. I laugh mostly, when I find us somewhere 'new'.... like the unpaved road and gas station decorated with animal heads and Dixie flags in back-country Georgia. And more recently, a 'scenic route' that took us past an apartment complex where all of the residents were hanging out in front of their 2 story building (or so it seemed anyways), watching us (all of them) while we carefully bumped through the pot holes on the road in front of them. The doors were locked. I checked. Numerous times.
So we end up at the Strawberry Festival in Hillsborough county Sunday afternoon and had so much fun checking it all out. It was at least 10 times bigger than the Silver Spurs Fair/Rodeo, and also filled with delicious strawberries..... and other new delicacies that I haven't had the pleasure of yet (deep fried pickles... good? I wonder). Only $10 to get in and endless things to keep you entertained..... If you are looking for something to do this weekend, check it out!
Posted by
6:06 PM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
M and I went out to dinner last night, sans bebe.
M's mum is celebrating her 60th, and we had dinner at the Animal Kingdom resort restaurant Boma. Cocktails were ordered, we both ate waaaaay too much and generally had a fantastic time.
It is a funny thing to leave him at home. This was the first time we have had a babysitter that wasn't a family member. And since I work with both people that looked after him last night, I had utter confidence that he was in the best of hands...
During dinner, however, I was at a loss of what to do with my hands. Since generally on the weekends and evenings they are kept busy rattling things, holding very small spoons, trying to fasten diapers onto wiggley bums and holding our chubby little man, it really is an odd feeling to not be doing any of that.
(I am watching a bit of early morning Steven Seagal while I try to write..... circa 2006, and he has the worst hair ever)
Maybe that's why I went back for thirds?And then got a huge plate of dessert??
(He's looks like a slightly bloated Elvis, and my fingers are itching to spray some defrizzer on his head)
And probably that's also why I started crocheting again. My hands need to be kept busy, or I do things like reorganize the pantry at 9 pm, which is just plain silly...
V and I are patiently waiting for Daddy to wake up, as we are going on an adventure this afternoon. A secret adventure. So I wish he would hurry up and wake up! And enjoy some Seagal with me.... such a great way to start the day.
I was looking for a picture of Seagal to post on here, but ran across this website and maybe its the great thing ever......So instead, I will leave you with a picture of V looking very excited about playing with Chewie..... and Chewie not looking too pleased about whats to come. Have a lovely Sunday!
Posted by
4:19 AM
Labels: busy, Steven Seagal