Monday, March 16, 2009


Just a quick post tonight. I am still tired from the weekend, and the most ridiculous of all days (that would be today).

It started out with Ginette (who takes care of V) telling me she was sure that 'The Dr' would be putting V on a diet as he's too big. He is only 9 months old, and I am sure that it is impossible for any child to be considered obese at this age. They are still babies!! V happens to be in the 95th percentile..... he's a big boy! So is his Daddy! It called Genetics! Rawr!

This was followed by her entreating me to ask 'The Dr' to switch him to 1% Milk.



It is just not dietarily (I am pretty sure this is not an official word.... Tal, is it??) appropriate.

Well, if you want to bring out the overprotective mother dinosaur in me, please make more statements like this. And she responded with "Yes, I will" and proceeded to caution me against giving him yogurt without checking with "The Dr" first.

I calmly told her that I have been giving it to him for about a month, he loves it (YoBaby) and it's fine.

She responded with some slightly unintelligible story about one of the little girls that she looks after eating yogurt and having some problems *cue rapid gesturing around the genitals* 'DOWN THERE'.

Girls= well, girls....... it's a whole different thing, which we, as adults (and parents) are aware of. Genitally speaking, that is...

This most ridiculous of conversations (that I could not share with M, as it annoys him so much to hear that Ginette says these things that he practically explodes.....) was followed by something even more ridiculous...

I called to confirm V's doctor appointment this morning. Now, generally they call me to remind me of the appointment, but this time they didn't. And that was why I called.

Apparently, there was no appointment scheduled, nothing on the books at all and it was all getting rather confused when someone shouted out in the background "I canceled it!!!!!".

I was all like 'Say whaaaa....??????' etc etc...

Apparently they were under the impression that we had moved to California.

That's right.

We had moved to California. And since I drive past that office every morning, I can tell you it's not true. I still live in Orlando. Really.

This was followed by apologies, a slightly later appointment time, our arrival at said appt, waiting waiting and waiting...... then I discovered that all of this waiting was because one of 'The Dr's' has diverticulitus and is recovering from surgery in the hospital. And the poor Dr that was filling in (our beloved Dr E, who I might add has 8 month old twins at home, is still breastfeeding and hadn't pumped all day...... as she told me when we left at 5:45, was running the show...)

V was exhausted from all of the screaming and it was dinner, bath and bed in quick sucession....

And the same for Mummy! Good night!


Talia said...

95th percentile means still normal. NO SKIM MILK!!!!! You were so right and crazy obesity focused americans who eat supersized french fries should stay out of child feeding. PLUS Jaclyn says NEW NANNY!!! SHe was a nanny and would never have said those kind of things &&&&& V is perfect, lovely and adorable!!!!!!! You are a great mom doing fab!! and making all the right decisions. Do not buy in to crazy nannys who may ((((have eating disorders)))) be crazy...